5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym)

5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym)


In this Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training (part of our Strength 101 series), you’ll have both the conviction to start getting strong with resistance training AND a plan to follow.

These are the word-for-word strategies we use with our Online Coaching Clients to help them start strength training, and I’m excited to imbricate everything you need.

Let us help you start strength training! Learn more:

We’ll be digging into the following:

  • How do I start strength training or resistance training?
  • What are some examples of strength training?
  • Which strength training program is right for me?
  • 5 weightier strength training workouts for beginners.
  • How much weight should I lift?
  • The 9 weightier strength training exercises.
  • How to know you’re doing an exercise properly (form checks)
  • Strength training for weight loss.
  • “Just TELL ME what strength program I should do.”

By the way, we’ve combined this vendible withal with the rest of our strength wares into a “Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know” guide.

Grab it self-ruling when you join the Rebellion by putting your email in the box below.

How Do I Start Strength Training?

5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

You’ll squint when years from now and thank “Past You” for starting strength training today.

And I promise, you WILL start strength training today.

After all, strength training or resistance training doesn’t need to be scary or overcomplicated!

Strength training really comes lanugo to two things:

1) Movement of any weight versus “resistance”(including your soul weight) – Doing ANY exercise that pushes your muscles outside of their repletion zone, forcing them to rebuild stronger to prepare for the next challenge.

2) Progressive overload: doing slightly increasingly than last time (lift heavier weight or do 1 increasingly rep) consistently. Your muscles will constantly have to transmute and rebuild themselves. These microscopic tears (that don’t hurt) gravity your muscles to go through hypertrophy, meaning they grow worthier and stronger so they can meet the demands of the exercise.[1]

Coach Jim explains the ins and outs of progressive overload in this video:

That’s all there is to it: do some resistance training and struggle to make it increasingly and increasingly challenging, and you’ll grow stronger.

  • This ways if you waif lanugo and do ONE knee push-up right now, technically you’ve washed-up a strength training workout.
  • It moreover ways if you then do TWO knee push-ups tomorrow, then you are officially pursuit a strength training routine.

In other words…

Now, there are many variegated “strength training” and “resistance training” paths.

Like a “skill tree” in a video game (with branching paths and progressions), you can progress up one path, and mix and match movements from others depending on the situation.

These paths depend on your goals and what equipment you have misogynist to you.

What Are Some Examples of Strength Training?


Bodyweight training is simply doing an exercise in which your own soul is the “weight” you are “lifting.” Duh. This is the BEST place for everyone – regardless of weight or age – to start their strength training journey.

Why is this the best place to start? Two big reasons:

A) You unchangingly have your soul with you (unless you are a ghost, in which case, this is awkward). This ways you can work out ANYWHERE with bodyweight training:

  • Our Beginner Bodyweight Workout Routine in your living room.
  • Our Hotel Workout in a hotel (obvi).
  • Our Park Workout in a…well, you get the point.

B) Using your soul for resistance training is the most “human” thing ever! By learning to push and pull and hang and squat and lunge, you are doing what your soul is literally designed to do.

By getting strong with bodyweight movements, you’re making yourself antifragile and less injury-prone.


While learning the movements with bodyweight exercises, you are permitting for proper liaison to develop between your neuromuscular systems.

More efficient liaison between your neuromuscular systems will result in something known as “proper motor unit recruitment.”

You may be asking yourself: what is a motor unit? That’s okay considering I was asking myself this same question.  A motor unit is a single motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates.

You can think of two variegated types of motor units:

  • We all have small motor units, meaning that a single motor neuron innervates relatively few muscle fibers, and these smaller motor units are good for precise and detailed movements (e.g., moving your fingers).
  • We all moreover have large motor units, meaning that a single motor neuron innervates hundreds of muscle fibers, and these larger motor units are good for generating a lot of gravity (e.g., getting larger muscle groups like the quads to generate a lot of gravity to help in sprinting).

When you start strength training, you really are helping your muscles communicate better together. This is why we recommend starting with bodyweight exercises, to help start this process.

However, bodyweight training isn’t as easy to ‘scale’ the difficulty as some of the other strength training methods (“put increasingly weight on barbell”), but you can get REALLY strong with just bodyweight training.

For example, you can start with knee push-ups, then go to regular push-ups, then elevated push-ups, then plane up to things like handstands and handstand push-ups.

You just have to know HOW and WHEN to scale up (we can help there too). Let us create a bodyweight training program for you!


Dumbbells are a unconfined first step into the world of weight training and strength training:

  1. Most gyms will have dumbbells, plane if it’s a vital gym in your suite complex.
  2. A set of dumbbells doesn’t take up a lot of room, which ways you can have a pair at home without a large footprint.
  3. Dumbbells make it easy to add difficulty to a bodyweight movement: holding dumbbells while doing lunges, for example.
  4. Dumbbell exercises can be less intimidating than barbell training for some, and are a step towards barbell training.
  5. Dumbbells have an widow stabilization challenge and will point out muscle imbalances pretty hands (“oh my right arm is stronger than my left arm.”).
  6. Dumbbells indulge for single-arm and single-leg exercises to be performed. This can indulge you to strengthen any muscle imbalances and can come in handy expressly without an injury.
  7. You can scale easily. Once the 10-pound weights wilt too easy, pick up the 15-pound ones!


A kettlebell is substantially a missive with a handle on it. They come in any weight imaginable, don’t take up a lot of room, and can be used in dozens of ways for a unconfined meaty workout. Although there are “adjustable kettlebells,” you’ll most likely be working with a single kettlebell, and then adjusting your movements for “progressive overload” (making the workout slightly increasingly difficult each time).

If you are a member of a gym, they’ll probably have multiple kettlebells that you can use to level up.


Regardless of sex or gender age, if your goal is to get strong quickly, use 20 seconds of courage and get well-appointed training with a barbell (I’ll help you, I promise):

  1. “Progressive overload” is easy – you simply add weights to either side of the bar, permitting you to progressively lift increasingly and increasingly weight each week.
  2. It’s much easier to go heavy safely – expressly for lower soul movements like the squat and the deadlift.

The biggest downside to barbell training is that in order to train at home, you need to have purchased a squat rack, a barbell, a bench, and unbearable weights for your house or garage (which can be an expensive investment, expressly when starting out!).


Not sure which path to pick? You’re not vacated – this stuff can be overwhelming. Check out our 1-on-1 Coaching Program. We get to know you and your goals, will trammels your form via video, and make adjustments based on your progress Let us build a strength training workout for you that fits your rented life! Learn more:

Which Strength Training Program is Right for Me?

So, what’s the weightier workout program to start as a beginner?

Barbell training might be optimal in terms of towers pure strength quickly, but if you don’t see yourself getting to the gym regularly – or you’re too self-conscious to enter the self-ruling weight section (for now) – no problem! Start with bodyweight training. Conversely, bodyweight training might seem user-friendly and easy to start now, but if you can’t motivate yourself to work out at home, you might be largest off joining a gym.

So let’s get you a workout program!

As we imbricate in our “How to Find the Perfect Workout Plan (for you)”: MOST beginners will be weightier served by pursuit a “full-body” or “total body” routine, 2 to 3 times per week, with a day of rest in between each workout.[7]

This full-body workout will have 4-5 big recipe movements.

A compound movement is an exercise that recruits LOTS of muscles simultaneously and forces your soul to work in unison. These recipe exercises are considered multi-joint exercises meaning that they involve increasingly than a single muscle group.[8

An example would be the barbell squat, which recruits every muscle in your core, butt, and legs to work together to lift the weight.

This is WAY increasingly efficient – and constructive at towers pure strength – than doing 5 variegated isolated leg exercises.[9]

Many beginner strength programs will encourage you to alimony things simple, doing just 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise.

Personally, I encourage people to aim for a weight that they can lift for 8-10 reps. This gives you a endangerment to really work on your form and lift safely!

The max lifts will come later, my friend. You gotta learn to walk surpassing you can run!

“Staci, which workout plan is best for me?” 

It depends on your goals!

If your main goal is unstipulated fitness and fat loss, doing a spin training workout will likely help you reach your goals (make sure you see our section unelevated for “strength training for weight loss”).[11]

If your main goal is to get stronger and/or put on muscle, pursuit a increasingly traditional, pure-strength-style gym workout is going to get you there faster.

TRUTH BOMB: ANY strength training workout will help you reach nearly any goal provided you do two things:

  1. Eat correctly for your goals too. How you eat will worth for 80-90% of your success or failure when it comes to weight loss or bulking up.[12]
  2. Increase the difficulty of your workouts. This is that “progressive overload” stuff we were talking well-nigh earlier. Doing 1 increasingly bodyweight squat, lifting 5 increasingly pounds, or completing your spin 10 seconds faster than the last workout. By forcing your soul to constantly adapt, your muscles will never get smug and have to alimony urgent uneaten calories and rebuilding themselves stronger.

Depending on your current situation, and how quickly you’re looking to cut through the “trial and error” and get expert guidance, I might have an interesting solution for you.

We have a pretty killer 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program here at Nerd Fitness. You’ll work with a mentor that will build a workout program for your soul type and goals, trammels your form to make sure you’re doing them safely, and plane help plan out your nutrition too.

The 5 Weightier Beginner Strength Training Programs

5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym

“Alright Staci, are there any ‘out of the box’ beginner workout programs I can start pursuit now?”

Yup! Let me share with you some of our suggestions:

Here are 5 resistance training workouts you can follow TODAY. Pick the level that you finger most well-appointed with, and then level up when you finger ready:


Our Beginner Bodyweight Workout has a variety of rep ranges to promote endurance, strength, and cardiovascular health.

Complete one set of each exercise and then move directly to the next exercise:

  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 20 walking lunges
  • 10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug)
  • 15-second plank
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • Repeat for 3 rounds

Want to stick with bodyweight training? When you’re ready to level up, trammels out our advanced bodyweight training circuit.

Otherwise, you can move on to weight training when you finger comfortable!


If you are just getting started with dumbbells and you’re looking for a beginner workout program to follow, this is our Level 3 Gym Workout, “Dumbbell Division”:

  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 dumbbell rows per side

I knew you’d ask, so here is a Goblet Squat video subtitle (from Nerd Fitness Prime)


Our Beginner Kettlebell Routine is a workout you do anywhere you have room to swing a kettlebell.

So, probably not in a phone diner or a closet or a washroom stall. But other than that, pretty much anywhere else.

Complete 3 Kettlebell Workout Circuits:

  • 8 Halos (each side)
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 8 Overhead Presses (each side)
  • 15 Kettlebell Swings
  • 8 Bent Over Rows (each side)
  • 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunge (per side)


As we imbricate in our “How to Train in a Gym” guide (where we take you from “lost sheep” to “barbell badass”), this routine is a much increasingly focused weight training, strength-building workout that gets your feet wet with barbell training. Click on ANY exercise to learn how to do it properly.


Do 3 rounds of:

  • 10 barbell squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 bodyweight rows


Do 3 rounds of:

  • 5 barbell Romanian deadlifts
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 dumbbell rows per arm


#1) “Starting Strength” is considered the gold standard beginner barbell weight training program by many. We highly recommend you pick up the very book if you are serious well-nigh barbell training – it’s one of the most important training books you can overly read.

#2) Strong Lifts 5X5: A solid workout program that starts you out very slow, with just the barbell, and helps you master form surpassing you get too heavy. It moreover keeps things VERY easy with “do 5×5.” Strong Lifts has been virtually for a long time and is a solid program.

#3) Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1: This program allows you a little increasingly self-rule to do exercises that you enjoy, or work on personal weaknesses, considering you segregate some of the assistance work.

Note: You can modify any of the barbell training programs to be washed-up with dumbbells, if that’s what you have at home!

Lastly, you can unchangingly write your own workout plan! I wrote my own workouts for a decade and it taught me a LOT well-nigh training and health.

We do have our own 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program where you’ll work with a mentor who will build a strength training workout program for your soul type and goals, trammels your form on each exercise via video, and plane help you plan out your nutrition too.

How Much Weight Should I lift?

5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym

We have a FULL resource on how to determine your starting weight for lifting, but I’ll requite you the gist here.

The simple-to-learn but tough-to-implement answer: lift unbearable so that you can get through the set, but not too much that you have NO fuel left in the tank at the end.

And then, try to lift sliiiightly increasingly than last time.

Here are two worldwide questions on strength training:

#1) How much weight should I start with?

  • If you are using dumbbells or a kettlebell, unchangingly err on the side of “too light” versus “too heavy.” You want to learn the movement correctly and build correct form.
  • If you are training with a barbell, ALWAYS start with JUST the bar, no matter the exercise (By the way, a standard barbell weighs 45 pounds).

#2) How fast should I add weight to the bar?

Here’s what we teach all of our coaching clients: add the minimum value of weight each week you can, plane if you THINK you can lift more. It’s largest to finish a workout full of momentum and say “I can do more!” than defeated and saying “That was too much, crapola.”

Think of it this way, plane if you are subtracting just 5 pounds per week to the bar, within a year you would be lifting 300 pounds!

The National Strength and Workout Association (NSCA) recommends a similar approach:[14]

  • For less trained people (i.e., beginners), it is recommended that for upper soul exercises you increase the load by 2 – 5 pounds and by 5 – 10 pounds for lower soul exercises.
  • For increasingly trained people (i.e., advanced), it is recommended that for upper soul exercises you increase the load by 5 – 10 pounds or increasingly and by 10 – 15 pounds or increasingly for lower soul exercises.

So go SLOW. Even slower than the NSCA recommends if needed.

Team NF’s Steve plane bought little half-pound weights and increased many of his lifts by just 1 pound per week. It’s a big part of how he transformed (jokingly) from Steve Rogers to Captain America.

And if you are looking for this content in hands digestible form, make sure you download our self-ruling Strength 101 Guide when you join the Rebellion below:

The 9 Weightier Strength Training Exercises to Learn

If you’re new to all this “strength training” stuff, hopping into a program and going from zero to sixty might be a recipe for failure.

Instead, be patient, and take the time to learn these movements first.

I’m going to share with you the 9 weightier strength training exercises that every beginner should master (scroll lanugo for full video and explanations!):

  • 1. Push-up: uses every push muscle in your soul (chest, shoulders, triceps)
  • 2. Bodyweight squat: uses every muscle in the lower soul (quads, hamstrings, glutes, core)
  • 3. Bodyweight row: works every “pull” muscle and helps prepare you for a pull-up!
  • 4. Pull-up or chin-up: the weightier “pull” exercise in history! Everybody should have a goal to get their first pull-up.
  • 5. Bodyweight dip: advanced “push” movement that targets your push muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps) in a variegated way than push-ups.
  • 6. Barbell squat: the weightier zinger for your whippersnapper on muscle building. recruits nearly every push muscle in your whole body, and a unconfined cadre workout.
  • 7. Barbell deadlift: the favorite exercise of every mentor at Nerd Fitness. Uses every “pull,” leg, and cadre muscle in your body.
  • 8. Barbell benchpress: as vital and powerful as they come. Uses every “push” movement in your upper soul and can get you strong as heck!
  • 9. Barbell press: press the bar whilom your head! Targets shoulders and triceps increasingly than the chest.

All of the exercises listed whilom are considered functional (closed-chain) exercises. That ways they relate to our everyday movements and can be used to predict our success in sports, recreational and occupational activities, and activities of daily living.[15]

When attempting all of these above-listed exercises, aim to master the movement and perform the exercise through its unshortened range of motion (ROM).


Because it will subtract your risk for injury, vivify all of the towardly muscle groups, and result in greater muscle hypertrophy.[16] 

Let’s go over these now.

Click on any of these exercises to get a FULL subtitle of the movement, step-by-step:

1) The Push-Up: The weightier exercise you could overly do for yourself when it comes to using your bodyweight for push muscles (your chest, shoulders, and triceps):

2) The Bodyweight Squat: This exercise serves a dual purpose: it is the foundation for towers strength AND helps build proper mobility. If you are going to overly do barbell squats, you need to work on hitting proper depth with a bodyweight squat first!

3) The Inverted Bodyweight Row: Until you can get your first pull-up or chin-up, these exercises are GREAT to start towers your pull-muscle strength: your back, biceps, and forearms.

4) The Pull-Up and Chin-Up: Once you can support your bodyweight whilom the bar, the world becomes your playground. No strength training routine should be without pull-up or chin-up work! (Click here if you can’t do a pull-up or chin-up yet?)

5) The Bodyweight Dip: As you start to get stronger with push-ups and need to find a way to increase the challenge, consider doing dips – warning: these are very advanced, but incredible strength-building exercises.

And now we’re into the weightier weight training exercises:

6) The Barbell Squat: Probably the weightier exercise when it comes to towers strength and muscle throughout your whole body. It moreover burns crazy calories and makes life better. This is a MUST:

7) The Barbell Deadlift: Maybe the weightier exercise of all time. Unquestionably no, it IS the weightier exercise of all time. It’s certainly the most primal: “pick the weight up off the ground. Done.”

This is a very technical lift, so make sure you read our vendible on how to do it with proper form:

8) The Barbell Press: Press a barbell whilom your head. This recruits all of the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and stovepipe in order for you to lift the weight over your head.

As a bonus, you need to really flex and twosome your core, which gets those muscles working too.

9) The Barbell Seat Press. Lie on a bench, and lower a barbell until it scrutinizingly touches your chest. Pause, and printing it when up towards the sky. Repeat! And get strong

NOTE: All exercises were explained equal to the guidelines that have been established by the NSCA.[17]

Your mission, should you segregate to winnow it: commit to trying ONE of these movements in the next week. Use 20 seconds of courage, recruit a friend who has lifted or trained before, and try your best.

And if you want somebody to help you put these into a workout program, teach you HOW to do these movements properly, and have the conviction to know you’re training correctly for your goals…

Let us create a workout program that fits your rented life!

How to Know You’re Doing a Strength Training Movement Properly (Form Checks)

5 Best Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym)

Always start out with just your body’s weight and make sure your movement is correct!

  • If it’s a barbell movement, use a broomstick (or PVC Pipe).
  • If it’s a dumbbell movement, use two sections of PVC or something else that is light and small to simulate a dumbbell.

When it comes to movements like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, seat presses, your form is crucial. Develop good habits with lightweight and you will save yourself months of frustration later and will protect you from injury.[18]

If you’re struggling with unrepealable elements of a movement, don’t get frustrated! Remember, proper liaison between your neuromuscular systems needs to develop.

Things will start to improve. If you’re looking for someone who can do video form checks, provide feedback, and retread your workouts based on your progress, you can trammels out our 1-on-1 Online Personal Training!

I’ve had an online mentor for 4 years and it’s reverted my life.

You could moreover get expert guidance in person: Look virtually at your local strength and workout gyms and see if you could rent a mentor (here’s how to find a good personal trainer) for one or two sessions just to go over the vital movements.

If you can’t do either of those two options, no big deal! Videotape yourself and compare it to the videos here in the articles. You can moreover post your video to the form trammels section of the Nerd Fitness Forums.

When I started, I really liked practicing all of the movements at home considering I could watch a video online at the same time as I was watching myself do it in a mirror. Studies have found this can unquestionably help!

Strength Training for Weight Loss

So you’re looking to lose weight, and tired of hours of cardio (me too).

And you’re wondering if strength training for weight loss – by pursuit one of the workouts in this guide is a viable solution.

Or, gasp – will strength training make you too bulky?

SPOILER: it won’t.

Rebel Leader Steve explains why in this video:

Yes, Strength training will help you lose weight IF you do two key things for effective weight loss:

  • Calorie restriction: eating fewer calories than you shrivel every day[21]
  • Strength training with progressive overload (picking up heavier stuff)

As we point out in our “Cardio vs Intervals vs Weight Training” article, strength training is the MOST efficient method for weight loss.

Not only that, but you can find study without study without study that shows you the benefits of strength training for weight management when combined with “calorie restriction.

As we imbricate in our “Why Can’t I Lose Weight?” article, here’s why eating a caloric deficit and strength training is SO magical when combined: When you strength train – by picking up something heavy – your muscles are “broken down” during theexercise itself, and then they rebuild themselves stronger over the next 24-48 hours.

Guess what happens during those 24-48 hours?

Your soul will divert as many calories consumed as necessary to “Rebuild Muscle!

It moreover diverts spare calories to “Burn as Fuel” to handle this increased “muscle rebuilding” activity.

This ways two wondrous things:

  • Your metabolism is revved up for this time period, urgent increasingly calories than normal.
  • Rebuilding muscle is a calorie-taxing activity!

Not only that, but when you eat a caloric deficit, your soul doesn’t have unbearable calories to fuel all the day’s activities. In these instances, your soul will pull from your stored fat to make sure all the work still gets done.

This is the trifecta of physical transformation victory:

  • You get stronger and alimony the muscle you have.
  • You shrivel through the fat you’re trying to get rid of.
  • You’re decreasing your soul fat percent and keeping your muscle = squint good naked.

In other words, strength training eating right is the BEST path for weight loss out there! And yes, in unrepealable situations, you can unquestionably lose weight AND build muscle at the same time.



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