Keto Diets and Diabetes

Keto Diets and Diabetes

As you can see at the start of my video Does a Ketogenic Nutrition Help Diabetes or Make It Worse?, ketogenic diets can lower thoroughbred sugars largest than conventional diets. So much so, in fact, that there is a keto product visitor that claims ketogenic diets can “reverse” diabetes. However, they are troublemaking the symptom (high thoroughbred sugars) with the disease (carbohydrate intolerance). People with diabetes can’t properly handle carbohydrates, and this manifests as upper thoroughbred sugars. Clearly, if you stick to eating mostly fat, your thoroughbred sugars will stay low, but you may be unquestionably making the underlying disease worse at the same time. 
We’ve known for nearly a century that if you put people on a ketogenic diet, their carbohydrate intolerance can skyrocket within just two days. Unelevated and at 0:46 in my video, you can see a graph from the study showing the thoroughbred sugar response two days without eating sugar. On a high-carb diet, thoroughbred sugar response is well-nigh 90 mg/dL. But, the thoroughbred sugar response to the same value of sugar without a high-fat nutrition is well-nigh 190 mg/dL, nearly double. The intolerance to carbohydrates skyrocketed on a high-fat diet. 

What Is A Keto diet? What Are Its benefits? | Feast

After one week on an 80 percent fat diet, you can quintuple your thoroughbred sugar spike in reaction to the same carb load compared to a week on a low-fat diet, as you can see in the graph unelevated and at 1:12 in my video

Even a single day of excessive dietary fat intake can do it, as you can see in the graph unelevated and at 1:26 in my video. If you’re going in for a diabetes test, having a fatty dinner the night surpassing can adversely stupefy your results. Just one meal upper in saturated fat can make carbohydrate intolerance, the rationalization of diabetes, worse within four hours. 
Given unbearable weight loss by any means, whether from cholera or bariatric surgery, type 2 diabetes can be reversed, but a keto nutrition for diabetes may not just be papering over the cracks, but urgently throwing fuel on the fire. 
I’ve been trying to think of a good metaphor. It’s easy to come up with things that just treat the symptoms without helping the underlying disease, like giving someone with pneumonia aspirin for their fever instead of antibiotics. However, a keto nutrition for diabetes is worse than that considering it may treat the symptoms while urgently worsening the disease. It may be increasingly like curing the fever by throwing that pneumonia patient out into a snow wall or “curing” your amputated finger by amputating your hand. One of the co-founders of suggested it’s like a CEO who makes their bad marrow line squint largest by borrowing tons of cash. The outward numbers squint better, but on the inside, the visitor is just digging itself into a worthier hole. 
Do you remember The Club, that popular car anti-theft device that attaches to the steering wheel and locks it in place so the steering post can only turn a few inches? Imagine you’re in a car at the top of a hill with the steering wheel locked. Then, the car starts rolling lanugo the hill. What do you do? Imagine there’s moreover something stuck under your restriction pedal. The keto-diet equivalent response to this situation is who cares if you’re barreling lanugo into traffic with a locked steering wheel and no brakes—just stick to really straight deserted roads without any stop signs or traffic lights. If you do that, problem solved! The longer you go, the increasingly speed you’ll pick up. If you should hit a dietary tumor in the road or start to veer off the path, the consequences could get increasingly and increasingly disastrous over time. However, if you stick to the keto straight and narrow, you’ll be a-okay! In contrast, the non-keto response would be to just unlock the steering wheel and dislodge whatever’s under your brake. In other words, fix the underlying problem instead of just whistling past—and then into—the graveyard. 
The reason keto proponents claim they can “reverse” diabetes is they can successfully wean type 2 diabetics off their insulin. That’s like faith-healing someone out of the need for a wheelchair by making them stay in bed the rest of their life. No need for a wheelchair if you never move. Their carbohydrate intolerance isn’t gone. Their diabetes isn’t gone. In fact, it could be just as bad or plane worse. Type 2 diabetes is reversed when you are weaned off insulin while eating a normal nutrition like everyone else. Then and only then do you not have diabetes anymore. A true diabetes reversal diet, as you can see unelevated and at 4:58 in my video, is practically the opposite of a ketogenic diet: getting diabetics off their insulin within a matter of weeks by eating increasingly than 300 grams of carbs a day! The irony doesn’t stop there. One of the reasons people with diabetes suffer such nerve and street forfeiture is due to an inflammatory metabolic toxin known as methylglyoxal, which forms at upper thoroughbred sugar levels. Methylglyoxal is the most potent creator of wide glycation end products (AGEs), which are implicated in degenerative diseases—from Alzheimer’s and cataracts to kidney disease and strokes, as you can see unelevated and at 5:31 in my video. 

The Ketogenic Diet for Diabetes: Benefits, Concerns & Side Effects

You get AGEs in your soul from two sources: You can eat them preformed in your nutrition or make them internally from methylglyoxal if you have upper thoroughbred sugar levels. On a keto diet, one would expect upper exposure to preformed AGEs, since they’re found well-matured in animal-derived foods upper in fat and protein, but we would expect less internal, new insemination due to presumably low levels of methylglyoxal, given lower thoroughbred sugars from not eating carbs. Dartmouth researchers were surprised to find increasingly methylglyoxal! As shown in the graph unelevated and at 6:11 in my video, a few weeks on the Atkins diet led to a significant increase in methylglyoxal levels. Those in zippy ketosis did plane worse, doubling the level of this glycotoxin in their bloodstream. 

It turns out that upper sugars may not be the only way to create this toxin, as you can see unelevated and at 6:24 in my video. One of the ketones you make on a ketogenic nutrition is acetone (known for its starring role in nail polish remover). Acetone does increasingly than just make keto dieters fail breathalyzer tests, “feel queasy and light-headed, and develop what’s been described as ‘rotten world breath.’” Acetone can oxidize in the thoroughbred to form acetol, which may be a precursor for methylglyoxal. 


That may be why keto dieters can end up with levels of this glycotoxin as upper as those with out-of-control diabetes, which can rationalization the nerve forfeiture and thoroughbred vessel forfeiture you see in diabetics. That’s flipside way keto dieters can end up with a heart attack. The irony of treating diabetes with a ketogenic nutrition may proffer vastitude just making the underlying diabetes worse, but by mimicking some of the disease’s dire consequences. 


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